Friday, March 28, 2025

K Grip Clamps - Product Information

The S-5-K Grip clamp was specifically developed to fit Klip-lok and other bulb snap-together seams. The design utilizes multiple inserts (sold separately) in order to accommodate a variety of bulb snap-together profiles. Each insert has a unique shape that allows for a tight fit and provides increased holding strength over other attachment options. 


The S-5-K Grip and S-5-K Grip Mini clamps are each furnished with the hardware shown below. A structural aluminium attachment clamp, the S-5-K Grip is compatible with most common metal roofing materials excluding copper. All included hardware is stainless steel. The K-Grip clamp fits the following profiles: 


Australian Profiles (GXM 50 Insert)

Bluescope / LYSAGHT – Klip-lok 700 HI-STRENGTH

Bluescope / LYSAGHT – Klip-lock Classic 700

Stramit – Speed Deck Utlra

Fielders – KingKlip

Metroll – Metlok 700

Steeline – Lokdeck 680 (ST35)

Revolution Roofing - Rev-Klip 700 

Australian Profiles (GXM 10 Insert)

Bluescope / LYSAGHT – Klip-lok 406

Metroll – Metlok 500 


New Zealand Profiles (GXM 50 Insert)

Dimond - Dimondek 630