Friday, March 28, 2025

Standard Roofing Fastener - Product Information

The OMG Standard Roofing Fastener, (#12) is designed to secure insulation to standard steel (0.5mm - 1.2mm) and wood.  It is available in lengths from 40mm to 200mm.  The OMG Standard Roofing Fastener is Factory Mutual approved.


Features & Benefits


  • Heavier shank & thread diameters than most "standard" roofing fasteners.

  • Deep buttress thread for high pullout resistance.

  • Extra sharp spade point for quick installation in new or reroof applications.

  • Available with hex head or #3 phillips truss head.



The OMG Standard Roofing Fastener must penetrate steel decks a minimum of 20mm, wood plank decks a minimum of 25mm and 12.5mm through the underside for plywood decks.  Using a screwgun, drive the fastener until a slight depression is seen around the plate, or with very rigid insulation boards, watch for the plate to dimple. 


Note:  Care must be taken not to overdrive the fastener and fracture the skin of the insulation.  Fastener must be tight enough so that the plate doesn't turn.  For steel decks, Factory Mutual requires that the fastener penetrates the deck at the top flute.  To speed installation, this fastener is also available as a labor saving screw and plate.  See AccuTrac Section.



OMG CR-10 corrosion resistant coating exhibits less than 15% red rust after 30 Kesternich cycles.  CR-10 coating exceeds F.M. Approval Standard 4470.


Plates & Accessories

Use appropriate steel or plastic plates, depending upon the application.  See Plates section.  For best installation result, use a variable speed 0-2500 rpm screw gun.